
Who Am I? Link to heading

I’m just a passionate programmer from Istanbul, Turkey, making bits and bytes dance to my tunes. With 2 years professional in the software development, I specialize in back-end and embedded wizardry. My coding journey began back in middle school, and the love for it has only grown since.

What I Play With Link to heading

I’m fluent in languages like C, C++, Java, Assembly, and sometimes Python.

My Coding Playground Link to heading

Here are a few projects I’ve tinkered with:

  • Artillery OS: A graphical operating system that mixes Unix simplicity with raw power. Maintaining it, managing pull requests, and mentoring new contributors - all in a day’s work.

  • nexus.c: My tiny creation - a web server in C. Simple, easy to understand, and not so perfect for hosting web apps.

  • CVM (Java Virtual Machine): Ever wondered how a JVM works? My little toy JVM in C might shed some light.

  • Collector: A garbage collector for C, because even code needs a little spring cleaning.

  • SCC (Self-Compiling C Compiler): A C compiler that compiles its own source code. Talk about self-sufficiency!

The Learning Journey Link to heading

Currently im on for a Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering.

Day Job Fun Link to heading

By day, I’m a backed (yes, that’s intentional) software developer.